Your Discretionary Portfolio Management Service

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Fair Value Statement

Fair Value
Vision Investment Portal (VIP) negotiates discounts from the standard fee payable with panel members for advice provided by Vision Independent Financial Planning Ltd (Vision) advisers.
The discount applies to the normal fee providers would apply to Vision clients without VIP involvement.
VIP is a wholly owned subsidiary of Vision IFPL.

VIP pricing is tiered, so the percentage amount paid reduces with increases in investment amounts.
If VIP services are cancelled fees will cease from the date of termination. There are no cancellation fees, and the provider fee will revert to the standard Vision tariff for Vision clients not taking advantage of the VIP service.

Example (all figures plus VAT):
DFM standard Vision fee 1.00% (Annual Management Charge).
£250,000 investment - Annual Management Charge £2,500.

With VIP involvement:
DFM charge 0.7% (Annual Management Charge) = £1,750
VIP fee 0.3% = £750
Total fee paid £2,500.

The full cost of VIP services will always be shown on Vision IFPL suitability reports. The costs paid will be advised at annual review through a report produced by Vision along with an estimate of the fees that will be due in the next 12 months.

The service is the provision of Research & Due Diligence on a range of Discretionary Fund Managers (DFMs) and other product providers. This Due Diligence takes into account the financial standing, disaster recovery plans, performance, risk controls, charges and service levels among other areas. It is completed every quarter with fully minuted meetings taking place and detailed records maintained and shared with Vision IFAs. To use as part of their client specific research and suitability considerations.

The VIP service is distributed solely via Vision IFPL advisers and is not available through other Financial Advisers or Product providers.